文化因交流而精彩 文明因互鉴而丰富


“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”3月21日,宿迁市苏州外国语学校迎来了大洋彼岸的美国教育友人。在徐学根校长、陈莉副校长的陪同下,来自美国缅因州第46学区,学区总监Mr. Kevin Troy Jordan,德克斯特地区高中校长Mr. Stephen Donald Bell参观访问了宿迁市苏州外国语学校。

"It is always apleasure to greet a friend from afar." On March 21st, Suqian Suzhou Foreign Language School welcomed friends from the other side of the ocean---the United States. Accompanied by Principal XuXuegen and vice Principal Chen Li, Director Mr. Kevin Troy Jordan of the forty-sixth school district of Maine and Principal of Dexter District High School Mr.Stephen Donald Bell visited SSFLS.


In a beautiful piano song, our American friends came into the school hall,appreciating the calligraphy works, paper-cutpaintings, etc, which are typical of Chinese traditional culture. They are impressed by the magnificent, English - style library. At the same time,many teachers presented brilliant performances, like Calligraphy, Guzheng and Sandpainting, which left a deep impression on the guests.In great excitement, our guests left a sincere blessing on the message board and exchanged gifts with us.


Students from the Foreign Language FeaturedCurriculum Center talked happily with our guests, showing the guests their decent demeanor and communication skills. In the MakerSpace, the children designedthe program independently and carried out the tracking robot operation to completethe related tasks. Along the international corridor, they also visited the YoungPioneers Room, Sand Painting Room and theLanguage QuotientCenter. Our two friends complimented the rich and colorful curriculum of the school and the high level of educational resources.


Although the visit is short, it builds a bridge of communication between east and west. Education has no borders, only by international exchange of educational theories can we absorb the new educational concepts, so that Suqian Suzhou Foreign Language School can find further development in a broader platform.

点击数: 发布时间:2018-03-22