

安全落地加拿大后,修学团的成员们经过短暂的休息和休整,便进入了加拿大当地公立学校进行学习。此次我校学子们被分在两所学校,一所是St. Mary Elementary School,另一所是Bridge Town R.C School。两所学校的校长热情接待了修学团,并详细介绍了学校情况、课程设置、班级分配等。这两所学校都是小而精致的学校,学校以“将孩子当成一个完整的人来教育”为理念。在这里,孩子们将会在心理健康、社会交际以及文化学习等方面得到所有教师的指导与帮助。

After a two-dayrest ,which was due to the big snowstorm, our 12 students finally attended twolocal Canadian public schools, St. Mary Elementary School and Bridge Town R.CSchool. The two principals celebrated our arrival and offered a detailedintroduction about the history of the schools and the curriculum and also toldus which classes we should study in. Both schools are not big but exquisite,both of which apply the philosophy—“To educate the whole person”. The teachingstaff will help us with mental health, communication and educational learning.

12位修学团的学子进入了不同的班级,经过一周的调整,孩子们已经顺利地适应了异国的校园生活。他们参加了数学课、阅读与写作,科学、体育、音乐和射箭等课程。在自然科学课堂,他们了解学习生物的栖息地, 并进入网站自行阅读喜欢的栖息地,然后写一篇简报;他们甚至还通过Block,自制机器人运动路线来加深对图形的理解。大家都对这样的课程充满了兴趣!每个人的脸上都洋溢着快乐和兴奋。

The 12 studentswere arranged into different classes and most of them have adjusted them wellto the new school life by making efforts through the whole week. They attendeda variety of courses: Math, Reading and writing, Science, PE., Music, Archery,etc. At Science, they learned about “Habitats” through reading on the internetcourse and writing a short report on their own. They also learned about shapesby drawing a shape on the computer, which guided the robot to follow thescratch and helped them understand the shapes better. The students were excitedto have experienced such different ways of learning.


The Canadian teachers make efforts to ensure students to beeducated individually and to have social interactions. The classes, which arelearner-centered,  aim to “learningthrough doing and doing by learning” and are really helpful for students tolearn independently and cooperatively. Our students were assigned to differentgroups and the teachers helped them a lot and encouraged them to participateactively in the work.

本次修学活动他们将融入友好学校,走进加国课堂,亲临纯英语语境的学习环境,深刻体验当地教育特色与国家文化,提高英语水平、激发求知欲、拓宽知识视野,全面提升综合素质。 相信这一次加国之旅定会让孩子们获得更多生命体验,为他们的人生添上浓墨重彩的一笔。  

They will be studying in the two schools for threemonths, immersed in English environment and the western culture. We believethat they will experience a different and colorful life through this program.


I'm Jia Shanmin.I'm lucky to be an exchange student to Canada.This is my first week in Canada.
The air is fresh here, and the trees are very nice too. The local people are kind and helpful.
The first day,  l was so tired.But I was very excited. In the afternoon,I got home.
My host family are very friendly.We like to chat after dinner. There are two girls in my host family. They are both at the age of nineteen. One of them is an exchange student from Belgium.And we are in the same school! There are many pets. I like them! I have a bedroom of my own,I'm so happy!There is a big field behind the house.The house's master feeds some poultry. And l can play there !
The weather is specal too. It is snowy in March! I like snow,and at this weekend,l played with Wendy. We made a big snowman!
On March 26th, l went to school. The school bus always takes us to school.The school is big and nice.And the teachers and students are kind to us. The school life is very wonderful.  I like to study here. And at three o'clock, I go home. I think it is too early for us. But I am so happy to hear that!
I love the life here! I want to learn more about Canadian culture, and to improve!!!

点击数: 发布时间:2018-04-02