

宿外学子赴加修学已近4周,我们渐渐融入到加拿大的学习和生活中,充分感受浸儒学习给我们带来的成长和变化。我们除了学习Nova Scotia省规定的课程外,学校还适时举办了针对学生身心健康的心理拓展训练和尊重生命的人格修炼仪式。

The students of SSFLS, who registered the OverseasImmersion English Program, have been gradually integrating in the families andschool since four weeks ago when they arrived in Canada. And they have learnedand developed in social communications and Canadian culture through theprogram. We also take courses about mental health and respect of lives besidesthe compulsory courses for schools of Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia 是加拿大东部临大西洋的一个省份,我们所在的安纳波利斯地区小学是一至五年级,初中六至八年级,而高中则是九至十二年级。每天早晨8:50上课,下午3点放学。每天早上校长都会做个简短的通告,然后全体师生起立唱国歌,作为一天学习的开始。地区开设的主要课程有阅读、写作、数学、科学、健康、体育、法语、音乐等课程。

Nova Scotia is an eastern Atlantic province ofCanada, and the region where we are staying now has a different school systemfrom ours. The elementary starts from grade one to five, the middle school fromgrade six to eight and high school from grade nine to twelve. Schools start at8:50 in the morning and end at 3 p.m. every week day. The school always starts witha brief announcement of the principal and singing the Canadian anthem. Thestudents from this region have take kinds of compulsory courses like Reading,Writing, Math, Health, PE, French and Music etc.

周一,校长Mr Schurman 的通告和唱加拿大国歌预示了新一天校园生活又开始了。今天全校有一个心理拓展活动——关于“自闭症”教育活动。其实,自闭症孩子是无辜的受害者,他们表现为对外界反应异常、人际关系障碍、刻板行为和沟通障碍,生活中需要更多的帮助和关爱。拓展活动中,孩子们一起观看了关于自闭症的视频,探讨如何帮助身边的自闭症同学。有的同学说和他一起玩,有的同学说和他一起吃饭,有的同学说给他多一点展示机会让大家了解他……孩子们的内心触动很大,爱心满满。最后大家将自己事先涂色的图片贴在学校的走道里,倡议大家关注身边的孤独同学。

On Monday, April 9, Mr Schurman started the day withhis announcement and then all the students sang the anthem, which means thestart of the new happy Monday. Just after the daily routine, the students havea lesson about autism. People who suffer from autism may not respondappropriately to smiles ,waves and frowns like other people often tend to haveproblems learning and difficulty in social communication. They typically needmore help and care in daily life. During the lesson , students watched videosabout autism and had a meaningful discussion about how to help those withautism around them. Some propose playing together is a good idea, some suggestenjoying lunch together and some others advise to offer more activities forthem, which are helpful for other students to know more about them and to buildfriendship. After the lesson, all the students went to the hall to decorate thewall with the painted puzzles around the signs—Light Up Blue forAutism Awareness. The completed puzzles which mean we are a familyadvocate students help those lonely students around them.


On Monday afternoon, we received an unexpectedannouncement, which advised the students to wear jerseys the next day in honorof the bus crash involving Canadian junior hockey team in Saskatchewanprovince. The principal expected the students learn to respect lives anddevelop the awareness of safety and live with mercy.

I was on a school bus to school in Canada. The school bus driver is a dark-faced uncle. I remember when I was on the school bus for the first time , that uncle  smiled and greeted me. Along the way, the school bus was full of children's laughters,full of happiness and very lively.
When I went into the school, I said , "Wow!" In front of me was a hall with many chairs and tables. The students had already started the lesson. Emma showed us around the school. This school has a basketball court, a fitness room, a library, a cafeteria and... There are many kinds of food like bread ,milk, pizza etc. My classroom is on the second floor and there are many chairs on the second floor. The tables are for students to sit and read while they are resting. There are many cabinets on the wall of the corridor. Each student has his own cabinet.
In this class, computers are used for almost every lesson. The teacher will send every day's homework to the computer. It requires us to complete the work through the computer. When I first came to the class, it was hard for us to understand the teachers. The teachers were patient and helped us a lot.
Gradually, I can understand a lot. Among these classes, I like the social practice class. In the class, teachers and classmates discussed some issues, energy security, and food hygiene. Then we collected information to make posters or documents to answer questions. Sometimes we also asked questions. The problem wad just solved by hands-on experiment. The students helped each other at this time and expressed their opinions. The teacher was very humorous when they lectured, and the classmates were very friendly. I like the school life here.

点击数: 发布时间:2018-04-16