
浸儒修学的最后一周,AVRSB的两位项目负责人和宿苏外14名修学师生前往Ross Farm ,深入了解新斯科特省的农耕史,探索175年前的农场生活。

The two workers on Annapolis Valley Regional School Board took the 12 students and 2 teachers of the program to Ross Farm on June 12 local time.


The worker of the farm welcomed us warmly and gave us a brief introduction about the history of the farm and the layout of the museum.

师生14人在工作负责人引领下首先来到了工作坊。在这里,工作人员给我们展示了所做农耕的工具:勺子、雪地鞋以及冬天马掌等等。在纺纱工作坊,我们亲历了将羊毛变成毛线。为了满足人们的生活需求,以前Annapolis Valley地区有120多个桶匠店和铁匠铺。师生们跟着工作人员模拟制桶和马掌。一般马掌每三个月左右就要换一次,或因为小了或因为磨损了。最后师生走进以前的学校,零距离感受曾经的学校。

The worker took us the workshop and store first. The worker in charge of the workshop showed the tools used on the farm in the past like the scoop, snow shoes, winter horse shoes and so on. In the Rose Cottage, we saw how the spinner turned the wool into yarn at her spinning wheel. In order to meet the residents’ daily needs, there used to be 120 more cooper shops and many Blacksmith. They explained and showed how to make barrels and horse shoes. They normally changed the horse shoes every 3 months because of the shoes becoming small or worn out. In the end, the students and the teachers visited the one-room school, where all the students of different age attended the same classes before.


The students really had a deep impression that people here value their history and take pride in their rural heritage, making efforts to protect them and further understanding their ancestors. The museums here are not beautiful but completely resembling the real past.


The participants of the program  also learned that they respect their history and labors. The worker gave us a horse ride around the farm, showing us how people in the past commuted and making them understand the farm culture further.          


We have many animals in our house, a big and brown dog, two cats, two rabbits and a hedgehog.

They are fun. The dogs name is Daisy. She likes new people and playing with them. She is happy every day.

One of the two cats is Sali. Her fur is brown and black. She likes sleeping on the sofa. The other one is very timid. She sits on the chair every day.

The rabbits like carrots. They are both black and white. One likes people, but the other does not. Their fur is so fluffy.

The hedgehog is very lazy. It only comes out at night. Then it eats some fodder.

They all live in my family.


Today is Tuesday. I woke up at six oclock. I put on my clothes and studied my English words. At seven oclock, everybody got up in my family. And at seven thirty, we ate breakfast. After breakfast, we went to school by school bus. We had a writing lesson. We wrote a passage about animals and then we need find information about the animals on chrome book. Then we had a music lesson. We went to the music room. I like music very much.

点击数: 发布时间:2018-06-27