



加拿大当地时间2月13日下午4:30,宿苏外赴加冬令营的成员们应邀出席了新斯科舍省在省政府举办的庆祝华人春节招待会。新斯科舍省省长Stephen McNeil先生、中国驻加大使馆韩涛公使、副省长Casey先生、省文化部长Glavine先生、省移民部长Diab先生、省渔业部长Colwell先生及其他人员共同出席了此次招待会。

At 4:30 p.m. on February 13th in Canada, members of SSFLS were invited to attend the Spring Festival Reception in Province House which was held by the government of Nova Scotia. Premier Stephen McNeil, Minister of Chinese Embassy to Canada Han Tao, Minister Casey, Culture and Heritage Minister Glavine, Minister of Immigration Diab, Fisheries Minister Colwell and other people attended the reception together.




省长Stephen McNeil先生对冬令营一行的到来表示热烈欢迎。他表示,通过冬令营、浸濡休学等形式的文化交流项目,促进了中加两国人民的相互了解和友谊。他希望今后有更多的宿苏外学子从交流项目中受益,也欢迎众多优秀的宿苏外学子到新斯科舍省的学校进行学习。宿苏外一行也代表学校向省长赠送礼物,并与省长合影留念。

Premier Stephen McNeil extended a warm welcome to the teacher and the students of SSFLS. He expressed that the cultural exchange programs like winter camp and the overseas immersion program promoted the mutual understanding and friendship of the two countries. He hoped that more students from SSFLS could benefit from these programs. He also expected more outstanding students from SSFLS to study in the schools in Nova Scotia. The students and the teacher presented a gift to Premier Stephen McNeil on behalf of SSFLS and then they took a group picture to commemorate the moment.




Minister Casey, Minister Han Tao and other officials addressed in the reception, sending their blessings and wishes to the massive overseas Chinese in Canada. They appreciated a musical ensemble together, whose musical instruments include Er Hu and Gu Zheng. The members of the winter camp also visited the Province House to have a better understanding of its history.





点击数: 发布时间:2018-02-16